We are thrilled to offer the convenience of being able to make payments and/or donations to CCI through PayPal.
There are several different different kinds of donations that we accept online. Congregation Children of Israel has several areas where you can allocate a donation.
The second category is for donations. Congregation Children of Israel has several areas where you can allocate a donation.
At the bottom of this page you will see the link that will take you to a Paypal payment form. Please make sure to list all categories and amounts as applicable.
We also ask that you consider adding 3% + .49 to the donated amount, as CCI pays that much in processing fees to Paypal. Thank you!
BikExodus raffle tickets
BikExodus donation
Security Fee
If you have not yet paid the yearly $150 security fee, you can pay that balance on-line.
Building Fund
Religious School Scholarship Fund
The CCI Religious School Scholarship Fund helps ameliorate financial challenges for families who need assistance in their tuition payments. All donations to this fund will go directly toward the tuition of families in need. Through your generosity, we can ensure that no family is ever turned away from our Religious School due to financial burdens.
General Operating Fund
Not sure what to donate to? This is the “everything” bucket. This fund supports general Temple operations such as utilities, office equipment, furniture and many other expenses. This fund helps Congregation Children of Israel operat
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
All Rabbis are in a unique position in the community. He is with us soon after we’re born, when we are in school, when we become a woman or man in the Jewish community, when we marry, when we are sick and when we pass away. Our Rabbi has a window into our personal lives like none other. He knows about problems in congregants’ lives that may only need a little financial assistance to be of enormous assistance. If you feel that our Rabbi should be able to use these funds for general charitable community purposes and make a difference in lives of others as he best sees fit, please donate here. Thank you.
Choir Fund
Anyone who has attended services at our Temple has heard the high quality of musical performance. Although the musicians and singers are Temple members who provide their own instruments, time, and expenses, there are further costs such as Choir director’s rehearsals and appearances at Shabbat and High Holiday services, purchasing robes, and sheet music. Athens Georgia is a music town and if you’ve enjoyed what you’ve heard here, please donate to enhance our services. Thank you!
Tesser Cantorial Fund
Schwartz Symposium Fund
Sandy and Florence Schwartz were time members of our congregation and served in many leadership capacities. Together with their sons, Ron and Dale (whose memory will forever be a blessing), they have endowed a colloquium and speakers fund to allow us to bring to Athens and hear presentations, lectures, and teachings related to Jewish life and culture. As an example, we host the renowned Annual Schwartz Symposium to honor the Schwartz family. If you wish to help maintain this way of honoring the Schwartz family, please consider making a donation here.
Torah/Prayer Book Fund
Our various prayer books (Shabbat for weekly services and Machzor for High Holidays get a lot of use and are in need for replacements and, with increasing membership, we happily need to purchase more of them. With a nameplate supplied by the Office, you can honor or memorialize important individuals in your life by purchasing a book or donating to this fund. Donations to this fund are also used for the maintenance and repair of the Temple’s Torah scrolls.